Parents' Getaway Weekend 2024

Parents Retreat 2024
11/16/2024 - 11/17/2024


Hyatt at Tyson's Corner
7901 Tysons One Pl
Tyson's, VA 22012

If you have already created a log in, then please click the log in button at the top right corner. 

This weekend is open to the parents of any cancer patient 25-yrs-old or younger who still lives at home, as well as bereaved parents. Priority is given to parents of children within 3 years of active treatment and bereaved parents.

For those that live just a little too far to travel day-of to register, we have secured a room block for Friday night at a discounted cost of $135, plus tax. If you choose to have a room Friday night, you will be responsible for the cost. Your reservations will be made through your registration for Parents' Weekend and charged at check-in when you arrive on Friday. Saturday night's hotel stay and meals are covered by Special Love.

Use the form below to register. Note that Special Love's COVID-19 precautions apply and include proof of vaccination.


Room Reservations

You have three different ways you can attend our Parents' Getaway Weekend.

1st option is to just come for the day on Saturday. We understand that people have very busy schedules and cannot do a full night away. 

2nd option is to arrive early on Saturday and stay the night on Saturday night. Your Saturday night stay is covered by Special Love.

3rd option is to arrive Friday evening and stay for two nights. The Friday night stay is on the family at $135 plus tax and they will collect your payment information at check in. The Saturday night stay is covered by Special Love. 

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